480 children from INEM School with whom El Colegio del Cuerpo began the formation process in 1997.
110 children living in Nelson Mandela neighborhood displaced by the armed conflict in Colombia.
110 children in conditions of extreme poverty and historical poverty of Cartagena de Indias.
3,600 children from 18 public schools of Cartagena de Indias that participated during 3 years in MA Project: my body, my house, financed by Japan Social Development Fund through the World Bank. (2007-2009). 620 additional children participated in 2010 and 2011.
30 children and adolescents from Villa Hermosa, victims of sexual abuse and exploitation.
13,250 boys, girls, youngsters, parents, principals, and teachers from the public education system of Cartagena de Indias: Dance Paths Program.
50 young gang members, ex-gang members or at risk to become members.
52 children and youngsters from Carmen de Bolívar, victims of the armed conflict.
27 youngsters from empirical dance groups of Cartagena de Indias: Dance Formation Significant Experiences Project.
60 young dancers from Sincelejo and Barrancabermeja – Formation of Teachers Project.
400 victims of the armed conflict in Colombia, participants in the three ceremonies of INXILIO: The Trail of Tears. – Bogotá, Medellín and Cartagena de Indias (2010 and 2013)
180 young teachers and dancers from Bogotá: CLAN, Casona de la Danza, ASAB 2014
360 teachers of MOVA – Medellín 2015
2,618 Children and youngsters from vulnerable populations of Cartagena de Indias: Manzanillo del Mar, Pontezuela, Punta Canoa, Tierra Baja, Barú Island, Nelson Mandela neighborhood, Olaya, El Pozón, Arroz Barato, Puerta de Hierro, Policarpa, Henequén, Santa Rita, Loma Fresca, Pasacaballos, Bayunca, etc. Participants in the formation processes Seed of Talent, Contemporary Studies in Dance and Professional Insertion Group.
926 children and teenagers, participants in the project: El Colegio del Cuerpo en el Atlántico. (2018)
538 boys, girls, youngsters, dancers, teachers, parents, participants in El Colegio del Cuerpo en el Territorio project, developed in 5 cities: Barranquilla, Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Cali and Medellín (2019).
118 teachers from the educational community of the District Education Secretariat of Bogotá - Project Body Territory Ma* Estro**(2020–2021)
149 children and adolescents from 4 public schools and 2 public libraries of Cartagena de Indias, participants in the Body Con(s)science project (2021)
An approximate total of 25,204 boys, girls, youngsters, teachers, parents, among other beneficiaries of the country and the world.


Colcultura Medal of Merit, awarded to the Director Álvaro Restrepo. 1992
Pegasus Grand Prize, Kampnagel Theater, Hamburg (Germany), awarded to Director Álvaro Restrepo. 1992.
Distinction from the Ministry of Culture of France: Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres, granted to the Co-Director Marie France Delieuvin. 1998
Colcultura Medal of Merit awarded to the Director Álvaro Restrepo. 1992
UNESCO “Education for Peace” Award nomination of El Colegio del Cuerpo. Ministry of Education. 2003.
I Edition of the National Prize for Cultural Organizations of Excellence. Ministry of Culture. 2003
Portafolio Cultural Entrepreneurship Award Nomination. 2004
CNN Heroes Award Nomination. 2005 (Álvaro Restrepo)
Simón Bolívar National Journalism Award for the chronicle Llora et labora. 2007 (Álvaro Restrepo)
The 10 personalities of Culture – Ministry of Culture. 2007 (Álvaro Restrepo)
Honoris Causa degree in Dance Education, granted to Director Álvaro Restrepo by the University of Antioquia. 2008
3rd Prize from the Japan Social Development Fund - World Bank for MA Project: my body, my house. Washington DC (USA). 2011
30 Leaders of Colombia Nomination – Revista Semana (Álvaro Restrepo). 2012
Royal Salute Week Magazine Tribute Award Nomination (Álvaro Restrepo). 2013
National Peace Prize Finalist "for the contribution to the reconciliation of Colombian citizens." 2013
El Colegio del Cuerpo: Princess of Asturias Award in two categories: Arts and Concord - Nomination by Caro and Cuervo Institute. 2021
Princess of Asturias Award Nomination in the category of Concord. 2023

Project Educating with Dance 2021
The Body College
-Final Evaluation- Enel Foundation 2021

The College of the Corps and COMFAMA
The body as Territory
Qualitative Evaluation Report
and Quantitative Movement Workshops and Artistic Exhibition, Medellín, 2019.


Ministerio de Cultura
Programa Nacional de Concertación Cultural